
Release. Revolve. Renew.

Balloons, helium, thermal paper, plastic clip, weights.

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Zwischen Sphären [Between Domains]

9 Digital Photographs, printed

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Eindruck einer friedlichen und geruhsamen Ansiedlung [Impression of a Peaceful and Unhurried Settlement]

, Lydia Ninon Schubert and Hauke Rehfeld

64 Digital Photographs, 30×45 cm on Rocket Satin paper; 9 min. loop, 1080p, 60 fps.

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Apex Twin

3 channel installation on 2x 55" flatscreen and 8x CRT-screen. Infinite visuals on one flatscreen and all CRTs; 10 min. loop, 1080p, 30 fps on other flatscreen.

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Von den Klängen bar jeder Spannung [Of the Sounds Devoid of Tension]

Digital video, projected, 9:08 min. 1080p, 30fps, color. Camera: Franziska Vogel, Hauke Rehfeld

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Hallo Montreal

Digital video/performance, 8:40 min loop, 1:1, Color

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