
Yeast-based Rhubarb Cake

  1. Mix water with yeast, put in rest of ingredients, knead a few minutes. Gives a runny dough. Let rest at room temperature until doubles in size, 1-1.5h at 25 deg.

  2. Wash & cut rhubarb in small pieces, mix with the 50g of sugar.

  3. Mix butter, sugar, flour and knead with fingers only until you have small crumbles in the bowl.

  4. Preheat oven to 175 C top and bottom heat (Ober- und Unterhitze).

  5. Use butter to grease baking sheet, roll out dough (put wheat on it and use hands, roll should not be necessary), put rhubarb on. Be careful with the water that has settled on the bottom of the bowl holding the rhubarb. Finish with crumbles, bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes until the dough is brownish where not covered.

700-1000g rhubarb

  1. 50g sugar


  1. 3-5g active yeast

  2. 150g-200g water ~40 deg

  3. 300-375g wheat flour 405-550

  4. 5g salt

  5. 100-150g sugar

  6. 2 eggs

  7. 1/3 tablespoon baking powder


  1. 100g wheat flour 405-550

  2. 100g butter

  3. 100g sugar

Emacs 26.1: secret-search-items bug: dbus-call-method: (wrong-type-argument consp "host") [workaround]

Bug has been reported and fixed.

My emacs version:

GNU Emacs 26.1

My smtpmail is configured to use secrets, resulting in the following call:

(secrets-search-items "Default" :host "myhost" :port "587" :user

Since the 26.1 upgrade this resulted in:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument consp "host")
dbus-message-internal(1 :session "org.freedesktop.secrets"
"org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" "SearchItems"
dbus-call-method-handler (:array :dict-entry "host" "myhost" :dict-entry
"port" "587" :dict-entry "user" "myuser")) apply(dbus-message-internal 1
:session "org.freedesktop.secrets"
"org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" "SearchItems"
dbus-call-method-handler (:array :dict-entry "host" "myhost" :dict-entry
"port" "587" :dict-entry "user" "myuser")) dbus-call-method(:session
"org.freedesktop.secrets" "/org/freedesktop/secrets/collection/Default"
"org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" "SearchItems" (:array :dict-entry
"host" "myhost" :dict-entry "port" "587" :dict-entry "user" "myuser"))
secrets-search-items("Default" :host "myhost" :port "587" :user

dbus-call-method expects arrays with dict-entries to provide a cons:

A dictionary entry must be element of an array, and it must contain only a key-value pair of two elements, with a basic D-Bus type key.

So in this example, dbus-call-method expects

'(:array :dict-entry ("host" "myhost"))

rather than

'(:array :dict-entry "host" "myhost")

secret-search-items builds this list incorrectly:

(defun secrets-search-items (collection &rest attributes)
  "Search items in COLLECTION with ATTRIBUTES.
ATTRIBUTES are key-value pairs.  The keys are keyword symbols,
starting with a colon.  Example:

  (secrets-search-items \"Tramp collection\" :user \"joe\")

The object labels of the found items are returned as list."
  (let ((collection-path (secrets-unlock-collection collection))
    result props)
    (unless (secrets-empty-path collection-path)
      ;; Create attributes list.
      (while (consp (cdr attributes))
    (unless (keywordp (car attributes))
      (error 'wrong-type-argument (car attributes)))
        (unless (stringp (cadr attributes))
          (error 'wrong-type-argument (cadr attributes)))
    (setq props (append
             (list :dict-entry
                        ;; FIXME ------------------
               (substring (symbol-name (car attributes)) 1)
               (cadr attributes)))
          attributes (cddr attributes)))
      ;; Search.  The result is a list of object paths.
      (setq result
         :session secrets-service collection-path
         secrets-interface-collection "SearchItems"
         (if props
         (cons :array props)
           '(:array :signature "{ss}"))))
      ;; Return the found items.
       (lambda (item-path) (secrets-get-item-property item-path "Label"))

Let's fix this function so that it constructs arguments using list:

(defun secrets-search-items (collection &rest attributes)
  "Search items in COLLECTION with ATTRIBUTES.
ATTRIBUTES are key-value pairs.  The keys are keyword symbols,
starting with a colon.  Example:

  (secrets-search-items \"Tramp collection\" :user \"joe\")

The object labels of the found items are returned as list."
  (let ((collection-path (secrets-unlock-collection collection))
    result props)
    (unless (secrets-empty-path collection-path)
      ;; Create attributes list.
      (while (consp (cdr attributes))
    (unless (keywordp (car attributes))
      (error 'wrong-type-argument (car attributes)))
        (unless (stringp (cadr attributes))
          (error 'wrong-type-argument (cadr attributes)))
    (setq props (append
             (list :dict-entry
                   ;; HACK fixed so that dict entries are conses
                    (substring (symbol-name (car attributes)) 1)
                    (cadr attributes))))
          attributes (cddr attributes)))
      (prin1 props)
      ;; Search.  The result is a list of object paths.
      (setq result
         :session secrets-service collection-path
         secrets-interface-collection "SearchItems"
         (if props
         (cons :array props)
           '(:array :signature "{ss}"))))
      ;; Return the found items.
       (lambda (item-path) (secrets-get-item-property item-path "Label"))

Or as define-advice so that we can easily hotfix:

(define-advice secrets-search-items (:override (collection &rest attributes) my-secrets-search-fixed)
  "Fix cons building in dbus-call-method call"
  (let ((collection-path (secrets-unlock-collection collection))
        result props)
    (unless (secrets-empty-path collection-path)
      ;; Create attributes list.
      (while (consp (cdr attributes))
        (unless (keywordp (car attributes))
          (error 'wrong-type-argument (car attributes)))
        (unless (stringp (cadr attributes))
          (error 'wrong-type-argument (cadr attributes)))
        (setq props (append
                     (list :dict-entry
                           (substring (symbol-name (car attributes)) 1)
                           (cadr attributes)))
              attributes (cddr attributes)))
      ;; Search.  The result is a list of object paths.
      (setq result
             :session secrets-service collection-path
             secrets-interface-collection "SearchItems"
             (if props
                 (cons :array props)
               '(:array :signature "{ss}"))))
      ;; Return the found items.
       (lambda (item-path) (secrets-get-item-property item-path "Label"))


Exporting Data from ColorNote Android

First: If you're googling this because you think about using ColorNote: don't! It does not support exporting your data to a free format. You have to jump through internal hoops to get it back.

If however you have used it in the past, here is how to liberate your data:

  1. Install the android sdk so that you have adb
  2. Enable adb debugging on your device
  3. Connect to your device:
    1. Connect phone via usb cable
    2. Switch to usb mode (in case you were debugging over network before): adb usb
    3. Check if your device appears in the list: adb devices
  4. Backup ColorNote app data to ./backup.ab, i.e. run: adb backup -noapk com.socialnmobile.dictapps.notepad.color.note
  5. extract the file: dd if=backup.ab bs=1 skip=24 | python2 -c "import zlib,sys;sys.stdout.write(zlib.decompress("= | tar -xvf -
  6. Open databases/colornote.db in something like SQLite Browser
  7. List all the notes: SELECT datetime(created_date/1000,'unixepoch') as created, datetime(modified_date/1000,'unixepoch') as modified,note FROM notes ORDER BY created
  8. Export as CSV
  9. Try this script to convert to org-mode headlines


Instructions based on and

RSS Feeds for Ebay Searches

Append &_rss=1 to any Ebay search to get an RSS feed for that search [source]. Works with, but does not seem to reflect country/international settings, so it might be useless.

About Shoes

Some thoughts/experience with shoes

Note: I am not a cobbler, this is from my experience only and mostly trivial.

Buying Guidelines


Shoe care

Wearing Shoes

Shoelace lengths

In case you need to replace your shoelaces:

k1x Cali
120 cm
Boxfresh Eavis
110 cm
Hanwag Waxenstein Bio
170 cm

Computer Graphics Conferences: Paper Deadlines

Here's my collection of important computer graphics conference's deadlines for org-mode. Dates in the future are just shifted by one year from the last conference, so make sure to double-check dates.

* Conference Deadlines
** SIGGRAPH Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-01-20 Fri -2m ++1y>

** Computer Graphics International Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-02-14 Tue -2m ++1y>

** EGPGV Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-02-19 Sun -2m ++1y>

** EGSR Papers Deadline

DEADLINE: <2016-04-01 Fri 00:00 -2m ++1y>

*** Abstract Deadline
DEADLINE: <2016-03-28 Mon 23:59 -2m ++1y>

** HPG papers deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-04-04 Tue 23:59 -2m ++1y>

*** Notification of paper acceptance
<2016-05-12 Thu>

*** Revised papers due
<2016-05-23 Mon>

** Pacific Graphics Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-06-03 Sat -2m ++1y>

** SIGGRAPH Asia Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-06-02 Fri -2m ++1y>

** VMV Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-06-20 Mon -2m ++1y>

** TODO EG Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2016-10-14 Fri -2m ++1y>

*** TODO Abstract Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-10-07 Sat -1w ++1y>

** TODO I3D Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2016-10-21 Fri -2m ++1y>