An emacs package to delete whitespace between words, parenthesis and other delimiters in a smart (but not very) way.
An emacs package to delete whitespace between words, parenthesis and other delimiters in a smart (but not very) way.
A small python library to easily write org-mode files.
Import notes from a Tolino Shine 2 HD into org-mode.
A Python script to convert CSV files with "created, modified, content"-lines into org-mode headlines.
Detect pauses in a monolithic gpx track and split it into segments.
A stub at a generic package manager/library in python that handles different types of packages using custom handlers
My .emacs.d, minus private stuff. Periodically updated from my main branch (bug me to do it).
A python script to call an emacsclient running in a Virtualbox Client OS from a Windows host.
A very rough prototype that parses the OpenGL documentation XML files to generate gl*-function headers.
A simplistic "draw a triangle" project using glfw and cmake, to ease the start into a new project.
An optimized, single-header kD-Tree library for points written in C++11.